I read from from Anil Netto’s blog about the family of one of the ISA detainees. I then head over to Norlaila’s blog. Norlaila’s husband has been in ISA for six years already. This Hari Raya is going to be the seventh Raya that he spends in ISA in Kamunting. I cannot imagine the things Puan Norlaila goes through alone, with her son.
So, what can we do? Here’s how we can show our support for Puan Norlaila, her son Suhaib and her husband, Mat Sah and all the ISA detainees. Send a raya card to Kamunting for Mat Sah. Let’s show him and all the detainees that we are fighting for the abolishment of the ISA. And let’s pray the prison authorities there will be touched with our thoughts and concerns and treat them nicer. (I am naive and too idealistic, I know.)
Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is coming. This year, Suhaib’s dad would be celebrating the eid for the seventh time in the Kem. Just to make him happy, please care to send hari Raya cards to him at this address:
Mat Sah Bin Mohd Satray,
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
This posting about father and son touched me a lot. How an eight years old child has to grow up without his father and their limited time of 45 minutes to interact through a glass window.
You should also read the yearnings of a wife longing for her husband to be home to live a normal life instead of being detained without trial. She said her life came to a standstill.
Do something, my dear friends. Even if it is just a card for Mat Sah. We do not want these agonies to happen to us or our loved ones, do we? So, make a stand that ISA is to be abolished. NOW.
Hope the cards will reach his hands and hope we all can make a difference too.
Bryans last blog post..The Best Malaysia Political Parody Video!
if i may ask, and sorry for being oblivious… why is he being detained?
zewts last blog post..Whose clock is ticking?
If each of only 0.1 percent of Malaysians send a card to him, Kamunting will be flooded with 26,000 cards! Let’s be the one snowflake that break the branch!
Erm… Deepavali is around the corner… by end of August let’s send (5 x 26,000) cards!! 😛
David C.s last blog post..9 Days Of Worship
Oops… I mean by end of “October”, not August. Pai seh…
David C.s last blog post..9 Days Of Worship
David – And remember that Lim Guan Eng spent 3 Christmases and birthdays (his bday near Christmas) in ISA too. Though the 3 are not consecutively but 2 separate period.
zewt – I don’t know. But I hope your question is not what everyone has in mind. You see, many many people have that misconception that whoever is in there, probably deserve it. No one deserve detention without trial.
Bryan – Yes, if it doesn’t amount to anything, at least Kamunting prison officers know that there are people who are aware of those prisoners there, so treat them with respect.
M/S Chan, can try get address of the family.
If can send to my email addy.
I pity the boy more than the father.
Tomorrow i go buy the raya card, i hope the last greeting card he will receive at this address is the raya card and he will be released soon.
Lilian & zewt – Mat Sah is detained for being suspected to be involved in Jemaah Islamiyah – a group that was involved in suicide bombing in Bali in 2002. I agree with Lilian – for 6 years no evidence was found, still dun wanna release people. To ISA, “innocent until proven guilty” does not apply.
I really wonder if there is any investigation ever launched.
David C.s last blog post..916 Movie Awards
I was at the candlelight vigil last night (Sept.19) in front of Dewan Sri Pinang. There were not many who turned out. I guess after the two ladies were released, the heat had somehow cooled down.Hope next Friday will see more support.
I signed a petition and also wrote a Hari Raya Card for one of the detainees.The organizers had brought the cards and stamps ready for us to use.There was a list of the names of the detainees and we could choose who we wish to address our card to. Since I was the first, I address my card to the first name on the list. I wrote his name on the envelop too and the address is Kamunting Detention Centre.I affix the stamp and hand it over so that they can send the cards the next day.Donations were collected.
I am touched by the thoughtfulness of the organizers. I hope when saudara Zaid sees my card and those from the other supporters, he would be uplifted and know that he is not forgotten.Boy, the Kamunting postman is going to be busy busy.
Lilian, I bought a tshirt ….. like yours one. Got badge too.Next time I wear and you take my photo ya??
Lets also send a card to RPK.
We will continue the struggle to free RPK. Meanwhile, lets flood Kamunting with Hari Raya greeting cards addressed to RPK. Lets tell him to keep the hope and that we have not given up. Here is the address
Y.B. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
I am mailing my card today.
I understand its RPK’s birthday this Saturday. I`m already sending him a raya card everyday. Today I sent him a birthday card. I appeal to others as well to send him a birthday card and express our support, our solidarity and our strength for and with him. Until he is free I will not be…none of us will be…
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
i donno if this is politically correct to do, but I want to dedicate this song to RPK for his birthday…a song by Sudirman, another person I admired in life and death, recorded in the same studio the beatles made their many hits, a group RPK followed from what I understand…