Few days ago, I caught up with my former colleague. In our conversation, somehow ballroom dancing cropped up.
Her boyfriend who teaches ballroom dancing suggested I take up ballroom dancing since I Zumba.
My immediate response was, “Cannn…you go find a man for me lah.”
Colleague and I had long time ago, done some crazy stuffs together. That include dancing on stage during our company’s annual dinner. Fake boobs and all.
Then, I specified what kind of dancing partner they need to find for me. Must be at least 6 feet 2 inches, must not have some wife around because I do not want to get slap unnecessary and must be strong because I am heavy LOL.
My colleague told me when she first started ballroom dancing, she danced alone and with imaginary partner.
Well, I told her I don’t want. I want real one. Must be handsome too or else when the face and cheek get too close, geli pulak.
Looking at the criteria I want, I suppose ballroom dancing is not going to happen in this lifetime.
As I am writing this, I have Psy playing in the background (no thanks to someone on FB sharing his Daddy video). Definitely someone looking like Psy also does not qualify too.
So how now? I will never get to dress in those slithery bling bling gowns and wear those 6 inches heels with diamonds.
But what if I really want to at least try it once in my life before I get arthritis or rheumatism? Calculating the chances, I think I have to risk getting slapped by some random woman on the road, huh?